Window system

From: Gavin Thomas Nicol <>
Date: Sun Oct 24 1993 - 16:33:33 PDT

>># 3) MADO must be able to run within itself (ie. it will provide a
>># compatible superset of the language to applications).
> **** I do not understand this point ****

The point is that if bitblt, and MADO use the same messaging system,
MADO will be able to run within a window. However, after playing
around on the weekend, I'm not sure it's such a good idea. The mouse,
and possibly keyboard driver would also need to use the same messaging
system, which means interpretation at all levels. It would be
amazingly flexible, but perhaps also, amazingly slow. I think I'll
give up on that idea, and instead, rely on a common API at the C
level, rather than a common API at the messaging level.

I'll have a look into scheme48. After looking at it, I'll decide
whether to use siod (initially, maybe later it could be replaced), or
scheme48. I might also take your advice and do the initial version
under X and Unix.

Actually, you might be interested to know that I once wrote a
distributed multimedia/UI toolkit based on Xlisp. It worked reasonably
well, and having a programmable system made testing very, very easy.
Received on Sun Oct 24 16:42:57 1993

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