/@USER@/bin ( was Re: Latest stuff )

From: Jonathon Tidswell <jont_at_nospam.org>
Date: Thu Sep 30 1993 - 23:54:15 PDT

> From: Andrew Valencia <vandys@cisco.com>

[ ... ]

> BTW, if somebody wants to do a an easy but "neato" modification for me,
> consider adding environment variable expansion to the path name lookup.
> That is, change path lookup so that:
> /@USER@/bin
> would map to /vandys/bin, if I were to run it (and $USER was vandys).
> This is easy to do because pathname lookups are done in the user context;
> see libc/open.c.

Im a little confused.
Would this not be better done by using namer to map /some/path/to/users/bin
to some common spot, or the contents thereof to some common spot ?
[ cf plan9's mount ]

Regarding directory structures:

Multi user systems rely on convention for finding things, I think perhaps some
thought should be put into a longer term general diretory structure.
As the later such thought happens the harder it will be to "start afresh".

How much we should copy the unix structure with regard to partitions, et. al.
is open to debate.
[ There is some logic behind separate partitions: /, /var, /usr, /home, ... ]

- JonT
Received on Fri Oct 1 00:25:27 1993

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