strange silence, and..

From: Gavin Thomas Nicol <>
Date: Wed Sep 08 1993 - 16:38:56 PDT

Well, to dispel any thought that VSTa is not active, I decided to post
to the list :-)

[Andy writes:]
>So far as I know it's healthy. The window stuff is rolling along, although
>I guess Nick sent me E-mail directly.

  Yep. Unfortunately, I don't run an IBM compatible (I must say VSTa
  was *easy* to port. Compared to 386bsd and Linux), so I can't
  develop the vga side, or rather, I can't *test* it (I'll be doing the
  device-specific stuff on my machine). Anyone on the list interested
  in doing a vga port? When I have the device-independent skeleton
  well tested, I'll send you the code, and you could write the vga
  specific stuff.

[songdog! writes:]
>I am still quite interested in VSTa. Active participation in development
>has to wait for me to have an opportunity to repartition my hard disk, as

  I *removed* Linux and 386bsd from my development machine. Solved the
  problem, and helps me to focus on VSTa (when I boot DOS I always
  think "ahh what a crappy thing this is!" so makes me want to get
  VSTa development done ASAP) :-)

Now, something that may be useful for everyone. I'm probably missing
something incredibly obvious, but I cant get bitblt to return more
that a single byte of data. For example, in the test program, I do
something like:

    read(bitblt_fd,&max_colors, sizeof(long));

but read() only reads the first byte of data. The relevent code in
bitblt_read() is:

   bytes_available = f->f_bend - f->f_bpos;
   count = msg->m_buflen;

   if (count > bytes_available) {
      count = bytes_available;
   msg->m_buf = f->f_buffer+f->f_bpos;
   msg->m_buflen = count;
   msg->m_arg = count;
   msg->m_nseg = (count ? 1 : 0);
   msg->m_arg1 = 0;
   msg_reply(msg->m_sender, msg);

f->f_buffer is a dynamic ring buffer, and it hold the correct data.
Likewise count holds 4. msg is the message from the user program. What
am I doing wrong?
Received on Wed Sep 8 16:42:51 1993

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