Re: adding support for logical partitions to wd

From: Michael A. Larson <>
Date: Fri Sep 03 1993 - 06:38:56 PDT

Peter Holzer ( asks:
> So you are flattening to partition structure? Is there still an entry
> for the extended partition, or is replaced by its subpartitions?

The way I have my hard disk set up (using the MSDOS fdisk utility) is
C: is the primary partition. After the primary partition, there is an
extended partition. The extended partition contains 3 logical (sub)
partitions. MSDOS sees the logical partitions as D:, E:, and F:. With
this setup, the extended partition is just a container for the logical
partitions. So, the answer to your question is there is no entry
for the extended partition - it is replaced by its subpartitions.

                                        Mike Larson
Received on Fri Sep 3 06:42:08 1993

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