VSTa lockups and Shared Libraries....

From: Gavin Thomas Nicol <nick_at_nospam.org>
Date: Thu Aug 19 1993 - 20:06:20 PDT

>be kept just as fast as it can! will happily replace my bare-bones
>keybd server for one with decent features.

When I have it done *to my satisfaction*, of course I will share it.
Actually, if someone else wants to do it while I'm doing bitblt, go for
it, otherwise you'll have to wait a bit.

>>I should note that the NEC rs232c port is really flaky, so *my* kernel
>>debugger plops me onto the *console*. Can't miss it that way!
>So did you embed a console driver in the microkernel? How do you drive
>the screen? Talk to the keyboard?

Yep, a *very* crude one, and a polling keyboard driver (*that* was

>>I don't really see the need for 2 different systems. I undertand
>>Andys points about what he wants to see, but I don't know if it's
>>worth the bother to have 2 different systems, when dll can do just
>>fine for both. Anyway, as Andy said, "let them who do the work, decide".
>Amen. Although if you do an evil job of it don't be surprised if I want
>to help you rework it into shape! I'm pretty concerned about PIC code
>generation for i386--having to use PC relative modes and burn a register
>seems like a pretty dear price for the "other half" of your kernel.
>If somebody could show me that the cost was X%, then we could look at
>the price and decide whether it was worth it. Personally I'd pay 5%
>to go with a single shlib scheme. 10%... hits my pain threshold.

On the 386 I guess PIC will suck 5-20% depending on the code. I once
messed with gcc's register allocation an crippled it a bit just to see
how much register usage affected speed. That was the results or
crippling one register. I think PIC is out, even though it would be
nice. We have to think of a better idea....

I'm *really* looking forward to getting a decent filesystem. BTW. I
wonder if we shouldn't remove *all* the CR/LF conversion stuff in the
libraries, and just go straight Unix style. The more I think about it,
the more I think a single character EOL is important.
Received on Thu Aug 19 20:11:37 1993

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