Re: Help!! Unable to extract VSTa sources

From: Peter Holzer <>
Date: Wed Aug 18 1993 - 12:36:48 PDT

You (Abbie Matthews x2959) wrote:
> HI,
> I downloaded the vsta sources from
> I tried to use djtarx.exe on my DOS 5.00 PC and was unable to get it to
> work or any meaningful info from it. (I set FTP to binary etc.). It
> tries to extract files with graphic character names and prompts me to
> provide a name (which I am unable to do!!).

The tar files are compressed with gzip. You have to uncompress them
first. Gzip is available from your nearest GNU archive (I think there
are even DOS executables).

gzip should probably be included in the package, or at least a hint on
where to find it. Alternatively it could be repackaged with a more
common archiver such as zoo or zip. This would also have the advantage
that you don't need several megabytes of free space just to hold
uncompressed tar files.


|    _  | Peter J. Holzer                       | Think of it   |
| |_|_) | Technical University Vienna           | as evolution  |
| | |   | Computer Science/Real-Time Systems    | in action!    |
| __/   |                 |     Tony Rand |
Received on Wed Aug 18 12:44:21 1993

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