\ Object Oriented extensions vandys
\ These are words which might very well end up in the core system's
\ OO classlib
only extensions definitions
: free&off ( ptr -- ) dup @ bkfree off ;
\ Generate sorted version of Collection contents vandys
\ Note, this implementation is reentrant; the use of ordered? is safe
\ as it is only used during guaranteed non-preemptive code path
: swap2 ( a -- ) dup 2@ swap rot 2! ; scrLocal
variable ordered? scrLocal
: bubSort ( vals keys nelem -- ? ) ordered? on 1- 0 do
dup 2@ < if ordered? off 2dup swap2 swap2 then
cell+ swap cell+ swap loop 2drop ordered? @ ; scrLocal
Collection -> :method sorted { 'key self -- sortedList }
self -> size dup { size } 2 < if self -> copy exit then
size cells dup bkalloc { keys } bkalloc { vals }
size 0 do i self -> @ ( val ) dup vals i cells + !
'key execute keys i cells + ! loop
keys vals size begin 3dup bubSort until 3drop
List -> new { result }
size 0 do vals i cells + @ result -> add loop
keys bkfree vals bkfree result method;
\ Collection comparison vandys
variable eqFlag scrLocal
: (=?) ( coll' elem -- ) eqFlag @ 0= if 2drop exit then
swap -> in? 0= if eqFlag off then ; scrLocal
Collection -> :method = ( coll' self -- ? )
2dup -> size swap -> size <> if 2drop false exit then
eqFlag on ['] (=?) swap -> do eqFlag @ method;
\ Move contents around vandys
: (addit) ( dest elem -- ) swap -> add ; scrLocal
Collection -> :method addAll ( dest self -- )
['] (addit) swap -> do method;
Collection -> :method map { arg 'fn self -- }
self -> size 0 ?do arg i self -> @ 'fn execute ( elem' )
i self -> ! loop method;
Collection -> :method copy ( self -- self' ) dup -> class -> new
dup rot ( dest dest self ) -> addAll method;
: free&off Release bucket memory pointed to, then clear pointer
: swap2 Swap the cells at this address and next
ordered? Record whether all keys are already in order
: bubSort Do a pass of a bubble sort, returning whether we needed to
reorder any slots
:method Collection:ordered Return our contents, sorted by the 'key routine
For less than 2, just return a simple copy of ourselves
Hold contents and keys in dynamically allocated arrays
Populate vals/keys with the value and its corresponding key value
Now run bubble sort until everything is in order
Create a List to hold the result
Copy over the values, now that they are in order
Clean up, then return this List
Flag to note when a mismatch in contents is found
: (=?) Iterator across contents of Collection, checking each member
for membership in the other Collection (coll')
:method Collection:= Tell if two collections are equal
They're not equal if their sizes are different
Iterate across contents, verifying each member is in the other
: (addit) Iterator, add another element to the target Collection
:method Collection:addAll Push all contents of self into another
:method Collection:map Iterate a fn/arg across each member, put
value of 'fn applied to member back into member's place.
NB, do *not* use this unless ! never changes the physical
organization of the Collection
:method Collection:copy Instantiate a new instance of this Collection
subclass, then stuff all the old contents into it