\ Dynamic hash lists--definitions and allocation vandys
\ This file has a stillborn implementation of a list of values. Set has
\ replaced it, so all that remains here are generic hashing functions
\ used by other places which use hash-based techniques.
only extensions definitions
37 constant (#INITHASH)
100 constant (BINLEN) Local
0 [if]
Collection -> subclass: Hash ivars:
intcell #hash intcell bucks endivars
\ Each slot in "bucks" is a "List" instance of values
Hash -> class -> :method new ( self -- hash ) super-> new ( hash )
(#INITHASH) over Hash>#hash !
(#INITHASH) cells bkzalloc over Hash>bucks ! method;
\ Dynamic hash lists--hashing vandys
: (>hash) ( ptr -- u ) 5 rshift dup 16 rshift xor ;
0 [if]
: (>bin) { idx self -- idx' }
idx (>hash) self Hash>#hash @ mod ; Local
\ Dynamic hash lists--growth of bucket size vandys
: prime? ( u -- bool ) dup 2/ 1+ 3 do dup i mod 0= if
unloop drop false exit then
2 +loop drop true ; scrLocal
: (>newhash) ( u -- u' ) 2* 1+ begin dup prime? not while
2 + repeat ;
0 [if]
: (put) ( hash val -- ) swap -> ! ; scrLocal
Hash -> :method grow { self -- }
self Hash>#hash @ self Hash>bucks @ { old# oldbucks }
old# (>newhash) { new# } new# cells bkzalloc { newbucks }
new# self Hash>#hash ! newbucks self Hash>bucks !
oldbucks old# 0 do @+ ?dup if ( 'buck+ buck )
self ['] (put) rot -> do then loop drop
oldbucks bkfree method;
\ Dynamic hash lists--insertion vandys
0 [if]
Hash -> :method add { val self -- }
val self (>bin) cells self Hash>bucks @ + { 'bin }
'bin @ ?dup 0= if
List -> new dup 'bin ! val swap -> add exit then
{ bin } val bin -> in? if exit then
bin -> size (BINLEN) >= if self -> grow then method;
\ Dynamic hash lists--testing & display vandys
0 [if]
Hash -> :method in? { key self -- T | F } key self (>bin) ( buckidx )
cells self Hash>bucks @ + @ dup 0= if exit then
{ buck } key buck -> in? method;
Hash -> :method . { self -- } ." Hash {"
self Hash>bucks @ self Hash>#hash @ 0 do
@+ ?dup if ( 'buck+ buck ) -> . then
loop drop ." }" method;
Initial number of buckets for hashing
Length of a hash collision chain which forces rehash to larger size
class Hash--we hold count of # of buckets, and pointer to buckets
:method new Populate initial Hash. Our array of buckets starts as null
pointers; an Assocs instance is created on 1st reference
: (>hash) Convert index into a hash value
: (>bin) Given index and a hash, return index of bucket slot
: prime? Tell if the given number is prime. Assumes number is not
: (>newhash) Given old hash size, double it and then move upward to
next nearest prime number.
: (put) As an iterator function for List's "do", store a member to the hash
:method grow Increase size of hash bucket array, and re-insert all
current contents into newly configured buckets.
:method add Store value into table.
If the bucket receiving this value has
grown larger than our threshold, grow the array of buckets to spread the
contents across more buckets.