\ B-trees vandys
\ The order of the B-tree nodes is set at compile time. Nodes
\ can be deleted, but no tree reblancing occurs, so an unbalanced
\ B-tree is possible.
\ A node has a cell for the parent, and for the child
\ before the lowest key, followed by #BNODE pairs of cells.
\ Each pair is made up of a key and a value.
\ If a node holds leafs, then the child pointer is 0, otherwise this
\ node is interior. For leaf nodes, the "value" of each pair is
\ is the actual value for the given key. For interior nodes, the
\ value is a pointer to a sub-node.
\ The "key" for interior nodes indicates the starting range for the
\ key space below it. The initial cell holds a pointer to a sub-node
\ for keys before the lowest key value in the node.
\ The "key" value must be non-zero, as this implementation uses that
\ value as a sentinel for end of valid key/value pairs.
\ B-trees basic manipulation vandys
only extensions definitions
32 dup constant #BNODE Local 1+ 2* cells constant BNSIZE Local
: (bn>parent) ( node -- parentptr ) ; Local
: (bnode) ( parent -- node ) BNSIZE bkzalloc tuck (bn>parent) ! ; Local
: (bn>child) ( node -- childptr ) cell+ ; Local
: (bn>pairs) ( node -- ptr ) cell+ cell+ ; Local
: (bnleaf?) ( node -- <bool> ) (bn>child) @ 0= ; Local
: (bnroot?) ( node -- <bool> ) (bn>parent) @ 0= ; Local
: btempty? ( node -- <bool> ) (bn>pairs) @ 0= ; Local
: (bnindex) ( key node -- keyptr )
(bn>pairs) begin @+ ?dup while ( key node-val node-key )
2 pick u> if nip cell- exit then
cell+ repeat nip cell- ; Local
: btalloc ( -- btree ) 0 (bnode) ; Local
\ B-trees lookup vandys
: (key>leaf) ( key node -- node' ) begin dup (bnleaf?) not while
over swap (bnindex) cell- @ repeat nip ; Local
: bt@ ( key node -- val T | F ) over 0= abort" Bad key"
dup btempty? if 2drop false exit then
over swap (key>leaf) ( key leafnode )
over swap (bnindex) cell- cell- ( key keyptr )
tuck @ = if cell+ @ true else drop false then ; Local
\ B-trees insertion vandys
: (bnfull?) ( node -- <bool> )
(bn>pairs) #BNODE 1- 2* cells + @ 0<> ; Local
variable 'count Local
: (bninsert) ( val key node keyptr -- ) 'count @ ?dup if inc then
tuck ( val key keyptr node keyptr )
swap (bn>pairs) - 2 cells / ( val key keyptr cnt )
#BNODE swap - 1- 2* cells ( val key keyptr cntcells )
over dup cell+ cell+ rot move 2! ; Local
: (bnset) ( val key node -- ) 2dup (bnindex) ( val key node keyptr )
dup cell- cell- @ 3 pick = if nip nip cell- !
else (bninsert) then ; Local
\ B-trees insertion vandys
: (reparent) ( node subnode -- ) (bn>parent) ! ; Local
: (bnreparent) ( node -- ) dup (bnleaf?) abort" Reparent leaf"
dup dup (bn>child) @ (reparent)
dup (bn>pairs) begin @+ while
@+ ( node nextkeyptr valnode )
2 pick swap (reparent) repeat 2drop ; Local
: (copy2ndleaf) ( node node' -- ) swap (bn>pairs) #BNODE cells +
swap (bn>pairs) #BNODE cells move ; Local
: (copy2nd) ( node node' -- ) over (bnleaf?) if
(copy2ndleaf) exit then
swap (bn>pairs) #BNODE 1+ cells +
swap (bn>child) #BNODE 1- cells move dup (bnreparent) ; Local
: (clear2nd) ( node -- key ) (bn>pairs) #BNODE cells +
dup @ swap #BNODE cells erase ; Local
: (bnhalve) ( node -- node node' key' ) dup (bn>parent) @ (bnode)
2dup (copy2nd) over (clear2nd) ; Local
\ B-trees insertion vandys
: (bnclone) ( node -- node' ) BNSIZE bkalloc tuck BNSIZE move
dup (bnleaf?) not if dup (bnreparent) then ; Local
: (rootParents) ( root node2 key2 node1 -- root node2 key2 node1 )
3 pick over (bn>parent) ! 3 pick 3 pick (bn>parent) ! ; scrLocal
: (bnAddRoot) ( root node2 key2 -- )
2 pick (bnclone) (rootParents) ( root node2 key2 node1 )
>r rot dup BNSIZE erase ( node2 key2 root R: node1 )
dup >r (bn>pairs) 2! r> r> swap (bn>child) ! ; Local
\ B-trees insertion, enumeration vandys
: (bnsplit) ( node -- node' )
(bnhalve) ( node node' key' ) over (bnroot?) if
2 pick >r (bnAddRoot) else
rot (bn>parent) @ dup >r (bnset) then r> ; Local
: bt! ( value key node -- ) dup btempty? if
(bn>pairs) 2! exit then
over swap (key>leaf) ( value key leafnode )
dup >r (bnset) r> ( leafnode )
begin dup (bnfull?) while (bnsplit) repeat drop ; Local
: (btDo) ( arg fn bt -- ) begin cell+ cell+ dup @ while
3dup 2@ rot execute repeat 3drop ; Local
: btDo ( arg fn bt -- ) dup (bnleaf?) if (btDo) exit then
cell+ >r 2dup r@ @ recurse r>
begin cell+ @+ while 3dup @ recurse
repeat 3drop ; Local
\ B-trees testing vandys
[ifdef] TESTING \ Testing
variable (bcheckKey)
: (checkKey) ( key -- ) dup (bcheckKey) @ <= abort" Bad key"
(bcheckKey) ! ;
: (bcheckLeaf) ( node -- ) dup (bn>child) @ abort" Child"
(bn>pairs) begin @+ ?dup while ( valptr curkey )
(checkKey) cell+ repeat drop ;
: (bcheck) ( parent node -- ) tuck
(bn>parent) @ - abort" Parent mismatch"
dup (bnleaf?) if (bcheckLeaf) exit then
dup dup (bn>child) @ recurse
dup (bn>pairs) begin @+ ?dup while (checkKey)
@+ ( node nextkeyptr subnode )
-1 (bcheckKey) +! 2 pick swap recurse ( node nextkeyptr )
repeat 2drop ;
: bcheck ( node -- ) dup (bnroot?) not abort" Not at root"
(bcheckKey) off 0 swap (bcheck)
." Highest key is" (bcheckKey) ? cr ;
\ B-trees testing, display, size vandys
btalloc constant b
: (tb) dup . b bcheck ;
: tb extensions.randstate off
10000 0 do i extensions.random 100000 mod
b bt! loop ;
[then] \ TESTING
: (.leaf) ( arg val key -- ) space
1 u.r ." ->" 1 u.r drop ;
: .bt ( bt -- ) 0 swap ['] (.leaf) swap btDo ; Local
\ B-trees cleanup vandys
: (btfree) ( bt -- ) dup (bnleaf?) if bkfree exit then
cell+ @+ recurse begin @+ while dup @ recurse
cell+ repeat ; scrLocal
: btfree ( bt -- ) (btfree) bkfree ; Local
: btempty! ( bt -- ) (btfree) BNSIZE erase ; Local
\ B-trees key utilities vandys
: (nextover) ( bt -- bt' T | F ) dup (bn>parent) @ ( bt parent )
dup 0= if nip exit then
(bn>child) ( bt 'val ) begin
2dup @ = if
cell+ @+ if nip @ true exit else
drop (bn>parent) @ tailrecurse then
cell+ @+ 0= until 1 abort" Child not in parent" ; scrLocal
: (bt>sib) ( bt -- bt' T | F ) (nextover) 0= if false exit then
begin dup (bnleaf?) 0= while (bn>child) @ repeat
true ; scrLocal
: btnextKey ( u bt -- u' T | F ) over swap (key>leaf) ( u btleaf )
tuck (bnindex) ( bt 'key ) @ ?dup if nip true exit then
(bt>sib) 0= if false exit then
(bn>pairs) @ true ; Local
\ B-trees more key utilities vandys
: (bn>lastkey) ( bt -- 'key ) (bn>pairs) begin @+ while
cell+ repeat cell- cell- cell- ; Local
: bttopKey ( bt -- key ) dup btempty? abort" Empty btree"
begin dup (bn>lastkey) swap (bnleaf?) if @ exit then
cell+ @ again ; Local
\ B-trees more key utilities vandys
: bt>prev ( bt parent -- bt' | 0 ) (bn>pairs) begin @+ while
( bt a-val ) 2dup @ = if nip cell- cell- @ exit then
cell+ repeat 2drop 0 ; scrLocal
: bt>lastLeaf ( bt -- bt' ) begin dup (bnleaf?) 0= while
(bn>lastkey) cell+ @ repeat ; scrLocal
: bt>-sib ( btleaf -- btleaf' )
begin dup (bn>parent) @ ?dup while ( bt parent )
tuck bt>prev ?dup if nip bt>lastLeaf exit then
repeat drop 0 ; scrLocal
: backup ( btleaf a-key -- btleaf' a-key' T | F )
over (bn>pairs) over <> if cell- cell- true exit then
drop bt>-sib dup if dup (bn>lastkey) true exit then ; Local
\ B-trees more key utilities vandys
: btprevKey ( u bt -- u' T | F ) over swap (key>leaf) ( u btleaf )
2dup (bnindex) ( u btleaf a-key )
backup 0= if drop false exit then
2 pick over @ = if backup 0= if drop false exit then then
nip nip @ true ; Local
\ B-trees OO class wrapper vandys
Collection -> subclass: Btree
ivars: intcell tree intcell count endivars
Btree -> class -> :method new ( self -- bt ) super-> new ( bt )
btalloc over Btree>tree ! method;
Btree -> :method ! ( val key self -- ) dup Btree>count 'count !
Btree>tree @ bt! 'count off method;
Btree -> :method @ ( key self -- val T | F ) Btree>tree @ bt@ method;
Btree -> :method do ( arg self -- ) Btree>tree @ btDo method;
Btree -> :method .elems ( self -- ) Btree>tree @ .bt method;
Btree -> :method free ( self -- ) dup Btree>tree @ btfree
super-> free method;
Btree -> :method nextKey ( u self -- u' ) Btree>tree @ btnextKey method;
Btree -> :method topKey ( self -- u ) Btree>tree @ bttopKey method;
Btree -> :method prevKey ( u self -- u' ) Btree>tree @ btprevKey method;
Btree -> :method size ( self -- u ) Btree>count @ 1+ method;
Btree -> :method in? ( key self -- ? ) -> @ dup if nip then method;
Btree -> :method empty! ( self -- ) btempty! method;
The sentinal pair at the end of the node actually gets used transiently
during an insertion. The way an insertion works is that the new
key/value pair is always inserted into the node. If the last, "sentinel"
pair is then found to be used, the node is known to be "full", and it
is split in two, with the new latter half being inserted up into the
Number of entries stored per B-tree node
: (bn>parent) Point to parent pointer of a node
: (bnode) Allocate bnode, setting parent
: (bn>child) Point to the child pointer of a node
: (bn>pairs) Point to first of pairs under a node
: (bnleaf?) Tell if the given node is a leaf
: (bnroot?) Tell if node is root of btree
: btempty? Tell if node has no key/value pairs
: (bnindex) Return the key pointer for the key passed in
Scan across pairs, looking for exact match
Got it, return
Advance... at end of loop, point beyond last key pointer
: btalloc Allocate top of an (empty) btree
: (key>leaf) Return the leaf node which would hold this key
: bt@ Look up key in btree, return value if present
: (bnfull?) Tell if given node has all its key/value pairs filled
Pointer to key/val pair counter, if non-NULL
: (bninsert) Insert a key/value pair into the node
: (bnset) Insert a key/value pair; if the key is already present the
value is simply updated, otherwise the pair is inserted.
: (reparent) Set parent of a node
: (bnreparent) Now that a set of entries has copied out from an old node,
let each child node know about this new parent.
: (copy2ndleaf) Handle relatively easy case of the 2nd part of a node
being split out when it's a leaf; nobody below needs to know about
a new parent : (copy2nd) otherwise does the copy and then arranges
for reparenting.
: (clear2nd) Clear 2nd half of a node now that its contents has been
copied to a new node.
: (bnhalve) Split a node in half, returning the 2nd half contents
in a new node. The key for this split point is also preserved.
: (bnclone) Create a new node, whose contents mirrors that of the
passed original.
: (rootParents) Fixup parent pointers for nodes becoming
children of root
: (bnAddRoot) 2nd part of root already split off, copy 1st part
and reassemble with root pointing down to just the 1st and 2nd
: (bnsplit) Split a full node in half. Special handling for root node,
whose memory at that address must always remain at the top of the btree,
thus we copy both halves out and make the root point down to the new
pair of halves
: bt! Store value at given key in btree
: (btDo) Execute function across each leaf key/val pair
: btDo Recursively descend btree, invoke (btDo) on leaf nodes
: (.leaf) Display contents of Btree leaf
: .bt Display btree
: btfree Free nodes of tree, depth first. Passed node is NOT freed.
: btfree Free all sub-nodes, then this node itself
: btempty! Free all sub-nodes, then init this node to empty
: (nextover) Given a node, find the next one over to a higher key value
No parent, we're up out of the end of the whole tree
Walk the value fields...
When we find our lower node in the value field
Pick up the next node over, or pop up and out of here
Walk to next value field, pop up and out when we run out of keys
: (bt>sib) Move from one leaf node to its next upward kin
Once we have next node over, drive down to first leaf node below
Get first key from this leaf node
: btnextKey Given key, return next high and T, else F if none higher
If have next highest key here, just return it
Move to next leaf node over from us, return F if no more
Return first key of this node
: (bn>lastkey) Return pointer to key of last key/value pair in node
: bttopKey Return highest key value in btree
: bt>prev Given a node and its parent, return the one before this one
in this parent, or 0
: bt>lastLeaf Given node, walk down to node with highest key under this
part of the tree
: bt>-sib Walk from leaf to nearest leaf holding keys lower than ours
: backup Given node and key pointer, return node and key pointer for
previous key. This will either be two cells back on the same node (if
there are key slots before the current one) or else a previous node with
a pointer to the highest key in that node. Returns 0 if there is no
previous pointer
: btprevKey Given key, return next high and T, else F if none higher
Get pointer to key position
Back up to the key which is equal or less than current key
If it's equal, back up before it
Return that key
The class; just a wrapper, except we also use this opportunity to keep
a count of insertions to speed the size-of-btree query
Instance creation
Basic access
Display and enumeration
Free storage
Key traversal methods
:method size The count is bumped by 1 to reflect the special case of
putting the initial key/value into an empty Btree
:method in? Tell if a given key is in the Btree
:method empty! Free up any sub-nodes, then init top to empty