\                                                                    vandys
only os definitions
0 constant PRIV_KERN
\ Trap types
0 constant T_INVAL   2 constant T_LDT   9 constant T_TSS
14 constant T_INTR   15 constant T_TRAP   16 constant T_MEMRO
18 constant T_MEMRW   26 constant T_MEMXR
256 constant NIDT
32 constant CPUIDT
16 constant IDTISA
struct tss
   int32 link   int32 esp0   int32 ss0   int32 esp1   int32 ss1
   int32 esp2   int32 ss2   int32 cr3   int32 eip   int32 eflags
   int32 eax   int32 ecx   int32 edx   int32 ebx   int32 esp
   int32 ebp   int32 esi   int32 edi   int32 es   int32 cs
   int32 ss   int32 ds   int32 fs   int32 gs   int32 ldt
   int32 iomap

\                                                                    vandys
0 constant PRIV_KERN
struct seg
   int16 limit0   int16 base0   int8 base1   int8 type
   int8 limit1   int8 base2
: >seg ( ptr u -- ptr' )   seg.size * +   ;
struct gate
   int16 off0   int16 sel   int8 stkwds   int8 type   int16 off1
struct linmem
   int16 len   int32 addr

$20 constant ICU0   $A0 constant ICU1
8 constant SLAVE_IRQ   2 constant MASTER_SLAVE

struct trapframe
   int32 esds   int32 edi   int32 esi   int32 ebp   int32 espdummy
   int32 ebx   int32 edx   int32 ecx   int32 eax
   int32 traptype   int32 errcode   int32 eip   int32 ecs
   int32 eflags   int32 esp   int32 ess

\                                                                    vandys
20 constant HZ

$43 constant PIT_CTRL   $40 constant PIT_CH0
$34 constant CMD_SQR_WAVE   $00 constant CMD_LATCH
1193180 constant PIT_TICK
HZ 2 / PIT_TICK + HZ / constant PIT_LATCH

4 constant NGDT
: >sel ( u -- u' )   3 lshift   ;
0 constant GDT_NULL   1 constant GDT_KDATA   2 constant GDT_KTEXT
3 constant GDT_TSS

create tss   here   tss.size dup allot   erase
   GDT_KTEXT tss tss>cs !
   GDT_KDATA   dup tss tss>ss0 !   dup tss tss>ds !
      dup tss tss>es !   tss tss>ss !
   sp0 @   dup tss tss>esp0   tss tss>esp !

\                                                                    vandys
: setseg ( base size type segptr -- )   dup seg.size erase
   tuck    swap 3 shiftl 1 or swap seg>type !
   2dup seg>limit0 !   tuck swap 16 shiftr swap !
   2dup seg>base0 !   swap 16 shiftr swap !   ;
create gdt   here   NGDT seg.size * dup allot   erase
   0 -1 T_MEMRW   gdt GDT_KDATA >seg   segset
   0 -1 T_MEMXR   gdt GDT_KTEXT >seg   segset
   tss tss.size T_TSS   gdt GDT_TSS >seg   segset   ;
create gdtptr   linmem.size allot
gdt.size NGDT * 1-   gdtptr linmem>len   !
gdt   gdtptr linmem>addr   !
\ TBD: gdtptr lgdt
\ TBD: GDT_TSS >sel ltr
: init_icu ( -- )   $11 ICU0 outb   CPUIDT ICU0 1+ outb
   4 ICU0 1+ outb   1 ICU0 1+ outb   $FF ICU0 1+ outb
   2 ICU0 outb
   $11 ICU1 outb   CPUIDT 8 + ICU1 1+ outb   2 ICU1 1+ outb
   1 ICU1 1+ outb   $FF ICU1 1+ outb       2 ICU1 outb   ;

: init_pit ( -- )   CMD_SQR_WAVE PIT_CTRL outb
   PIT_LATCH dup PIT_CH0 outb   8 shiftr PIT_CH0 outb   ;

\                                                                    vandys
struct gate   int16 off0   int16 sel   int8 stkwds   int8 type
   int16 off1   endstruct
: set_idt ( fn type gateptr -- )   gate.size over erase
   swap 3 shiftl 1 or
   over gate>type c!   2dup gate>off0 w!   swap 16 shiftr
   over gate>off1 w!   GDT_KTEXT >sel swap gate>sel w!   ;
create idt   NIDT gate.size * allot
: init_trap ( -- )   setup_gdt   init_icu   init_pit
   idt   NIDT 0 do   ['] stray_intr over T_TRAP swap set_idt   loop
: eoi ( -- )   EOI_FLAG dup ICU0 outb   ICU1 outb   ;
: trap   sp@ ." Trap"   ;

\                                                                    vandys
: interrupt   sp@ dup trapframe>traptype @   eoi

Approach for interrupt/exception system of ForthOS:
 All memory data structures are set up with run-time code.  This means
  that we don't metacompile this handling.  Fine.
 Setup of machine registers is done via init_* routines.
 The core init routine is threaded onto the init dictionary to be
  run later than any interrupt-potential driver.

 Interrupt potential drivers are coded to be polled until they start
  fielding interrupts.  Clock polls the RTC register, console polls
  for keystrokes, etcetera.
 During init of such a driver it registers its ISR number and handler
  in a table.
 When machine interrupt handling is compiled in and activated, this table
  is used to vector out a machine level call (no state saved) to the
 The routine saves registers as needed to the stack, then does its thing.
 As appropriate, the interrupt routine should flag that its polled mode
  aspect should disable itself.

(more on shadow)
