\ Support for moving words to other (hidden) vocabularies            vandys


*** Note this is all superseded by the "locals" support ***

\ Once the ForthOS system is entirely built and you're ready to
\ focus on your own coding, there are a terrible lot of words sitting
\ around in "forth" which are of no interest to the developer; internal
\ words, user variables, and so forth.  The screens which follow
\ provide the ability to pick some vocabulary, and then let you name
\ words which will be plucked from their current vocabulary and moved
\ over to the new one.

\ There are also screens beyond that which use this facility do a
\ cleanup of "forth", putting most of the internal words into a new
\ "sys" vocabulary, and putting all user variables into "usr".

\ Support for moving words to other (hidden) vocabularies            vandys

only extensions definitions
create (destvoc) 0 ,
: grab ( -- )   (destvoc) @ = abort" No destination set"
   word (findLink) dup 0= abort" Not found"   ( linkptr )
   (takeVoc) ( LFA )   (putVoc) ;