\ Post-hoc cleanup/hiding of words in "forth"                        vandys
only extensions also forth

hide: (blktib) (buffer?) (bk) (lnk) (sv) (bufmod?) (noblock) (bufclean)
hide: (bufmod) PREV (BUFS) #BUFS (bod>buf) (>bufbod) (>bufflag) (>bufblock)
hide: (>buflink) (prehook) ($preproc) (unhook) ($streq) _strrpos _strpos
hide: (exec:) (forget-entries) (rollback) (of) (.voc) (unresolved) (;code)
hide: ?pairs init-bootinfo (mem_upper) (initialize) (low-above) (low-scan)
hide: (low-fn) (low-seen) (low-n) (each-init) (warm?) (see) (>name) _type
hide: (listent) (c;ode) (;) (compf) (then) (if)
hide: (resloop) (compile) $interpret #markb #immediate
hide: #compile-only null$ kTAP ^n ^p (<hist) (clrbl) (>histp) (>hist)
hide: (histib>) (#histib) (hist>str) (hist>pos) (hist>put) (hist@) (histmask)
hide: (#tib) #HISTSH HISTMASK #HIST (1char>) ^u ^k ^h ^f ^e ^d ^b ^a
hide: (cur>eot) (dist>0) (n^f) (dist^b) (char<r) (char>r) (keyc) (^f) (^b)
hide: (^p)

\ Post-hoc cleanup/hiding of words in "forth"                        vandys

hide: (bs) (echoc) (rchar) (lchar) (notbol?) (<dist) (>dist) (#tib>c)
hide: (#tib>dist) (#tib@) (vocab?) (ent=) (cnt) (unbase) (str>ext) (base>str)
hide: (ext>str) (str>base) (str>len) (dot?) (parse) (.") (c") (key?) +ch
hide: 10*+ -digit #TIBLINE (abort") do$ #VOCS doVOC BASEM doUSER doVAR
hide: (+loop) (loop) (?do) (do) doCONST doLIT doLIST
hide: (bk>size) (>bk) (bkallot) (bkheapStart) (bkheap) (bks) (BKMAXSZ)
hide: (BKMINSZ) (#BKS) (aout_size) (write_image) ('endScr)
hide: init{ 'end} end} {! localName! nfa! curArg resetLocals {@
hide: 'local->eax off_(local) >localNFA maxName localNFAs ($cstreq?)
hide: curDef ('endDef) ({) 'semiHook proc"--" argEntry narg init{--
hide: end}-- "badRet TERMINIT TERMVAL findLocal localVocPtr (localVoc)