\ Memory structures                                                  vandys
only extensions definitions
64 constant (struct_max)
create (struct_prefix) (struct_max) allot
create (struct_name) (struct_max) allot
variable (struct_idx)
: $strconv ( a1 u1 a2 -- )   2dup c!   1+ swap move ;
: (struct_prefix!) ( a1 u1 -- )   (struct_prefix) $strconv ;
: struct   ( -- )   (struct_idx) off   bl parse (struct_prefix!) ;
: $strccat ( a2 u2 a1 -- )   dup c@ >r   2dup +c!   r> + 1+   swap move ;
: (cat_name) ( c -- )   (struct_prefix) (struct_name) (struct_max) move
   (struct_name) swap $ccat   ;
: (build_name) ( -- )   [char] > (cat_name)
   bl parse (struct_name) $strccat   ;
: (struct_prolog)   (struct_name) $,n   ['] doLIST call,   0 ,   overt   ;
: (compile_struct)   (build_name) (struct_prolog)   (struct_idx) @ ,   ;
: (build_struct)   (compile_struct)   does>   @ +   ;
: int8   (build_struct)   1 (struct_idx) +!   ;
: int16   (build_struct)   2 (struct_idx) +!   ;
: int32  (build_struct)   4 (struct_idx) +!   ;
: intcell   (build_struct)   1 cells (struct_idx) +! ;
: bytes ( u -- )   (build_struct)   (struct_idx) +! ;
: endstruct   [char] . (cat_name)   s" size" (struct_name) $strccat
   (struct_prolog)   (struct_idx) @ ,   does>   @ ;

\ Enumerations                                                       vandys
\ NOTE: uses same memory structures as a "struct" construct
variable (val_set)
: enum   (val_set) off   struct ;
: (build_enum_name) ( -- a )   [char] _ (cat_name)
   bl parse (struct_name) $strccat   ;
: (compile_enum)   (build_enum_name) (struct_prolog)   (struct_idx) @ ,   ;
: (build_enum)   (compile_enum)   does>   @ ;
: enumval!   (struct_idx) !   (val_set) on ;
: enumval   (build_enum)   1 (struct_idx) +! ;
: endenum   (val_set) @ if   exit   then
   [char] _ (cat_name)   s" MAX" (struct_name) $strccat
   (struct_prolog)   (struct_idx) @ 1- ,   does>   @ ;

\                                                                    vandys

\ More string functions
: $strcpy ( dest src -- )   dup c@ 1+   swap -rot move ;

\ Named arguments--parsing                                           vandys
only extensions also forth \ Note: loading continues here system build

\ : my+1 { arg1 arg2 -- result }   arg1 arg2 + { sum }   sum 1+ ;
\ Basically, names whose scope is the def, acting as constant's for
\  the passed parameters.  We permit these at any point in the def.
\ Result part is parsed & checked
\ Note: the compile-time mechanism is not reentrant

variable curDef

: ($cstreq?) ( a1 u1 a2 u2 -- ? )   rot over - if   3drop   false exit then
   ( a a' u ) 0 do   2dup c@ swap c@ - if   unloop 2drop   false exit then
   1+ swap 1+ loop   2drop true ;

\ Named arguments--dictionary entries                                vandys

create localNFAs   #locals cells allot
create maxName   31 c, 31 allot   maxName 1+ 31 char * fill
: >localNFA ( u -- nfa )   cells localNFAs + @ ;

(local) up @ - constant off_(local)
also assembler : 'local->eax ( -- )   up # eax mov   0 [eax] eax mov
   off_(local) # eax add ; -also
code {@
   ebx pop   'local->eax   0 [eax] eax mov   4 [ebx] eax add
   0 [eax] eax mov   eax push   next c;

: cinc ( a -- )   dup c@   1+   swap c! ;

\ Named arguments--dictionary entries                                vandys

vocabulary (localVoc)   also (localVoc) definitions

:noname ( -- )   #locals 0 do   i 1+ cells maxName (constant)
      ['] {@   last @ name>   call!
      last @   i cells localNFAs +   !
   maxName 1+ cinc   loop ; execute

current @   -also definitions   constant localVocPtr

: resetLocals ( -- )   #locals 0 do   1   #markb 1 or ( ^A nfa-count )
      i >localNFA   c!+ c!   loop ;   resetLocals

: findLocal ( a -- ca na | a F )   localVocPtr find ;

\ Named arguments--name handling                                     vandys

variable curArg

:noname ( -- )   resetLocals ; 'endDef !

: nfa! ( a-str u-len nfa -- )   over #markb or   swap c!+
   swap move ;
: localName! ( a-str u-len -- )   curArg @ >localNFA   nfa! ;

\ Named arguments--setting value                                     vandys

code {!
   ecx pop   'local->eax   0 [eax] ebx mov
   lods   eax ebx add   ecx 0 [ebx] mov   next c;

\ Named arguments--setup and cleanup of local variable state         vandys

code end}
   #locals cells # ebp add
   0 [ebp] ebx mov   4 # ebp add   'local->eax   ebx 0 [eax] mov
   0 [ebp] esi mov   4 # ebp add   next c;
create 'end}   ' end} ,

code init{
   'local->eax   0 [eax] ebx mov
   #locals 2 + cells # ebp sub
   'end} # ecx mov   ecx 0 [ebp] mov
   ebx #locals 1+ cells [ebp] mov   ebp 0 [eax] mov
   1 cells # esi add   next c;

\ Named arguments--cleanup w. return value checking                  vandys

$8 constant TERMVAL   $88888888 constant TERMINIT
:noname ( -- a )   c" Bad return format" ; execute constant "badRet
code end}--
   #locals cells 8 + [ebp] ecx mov
   esp ecx sub   ecx 2 shr   $F # ecx and
   #locals cells 4 + [ebp] edx mov
1 $: edx eax mov   $F # eax and   ecx eax cmp   2 $ je
   TERMVAL # eax cmp   3 $ je   edx 4 shr   1 $ jmp
3 $:   4 # esi sub   "badRet push#   ' (abort) # eax mov   eax jmp
2 $:
   #locals cells [ebp] ebx mov   'local->eax   ebx 0 [eax] mov
   #locals cells 16 + [ebp] esi mov
   #locals cells 20 + # ebp add   next c;

' end}--   'end}-- !

\ Named arguments--setup w. return value checking                    vandys

code init{--
   lods   eax edx mov
   'local->eax   0 [eax] ebx mov
   #locals 5 + cells # ebp sub
   'end}-- # ecx mov   ecx 0 [ebp] mov
   edx #locals 2 + cells [ebp] mov
   esp #locals 3 + cells [ebp] mov
   esi #locals 4 + cells [ebp] mov
   ebx #locals 1+ cells [ebp] mov   ebp 0 [eax] mov   next c;

\ Named arguments--parsing of return value format                    vandys

code 2over ( d1 d2 -- d1 d2 d1 )   8 [esp] eax mov   12 [esp] ebx mov
   ebx push   eax push   next c;

variable narg   variable argEntry

: #args ( -- u ? )   0 begin   bl parse dup 0= abort" Missing }"
      s" |" 2over ($cstreq?) if   2drop false exit   then
      s" }" ($cstreq?) if   true exit   then
   1+ again ; scrLocal
: proc"--" ( -- )   ['] init{--   argEntry @ !
   TERMINIT begin   #args -rot ( done? mask #arg )
      narg @ - $F and   swap 4 << or ( done? mask' )
   swap until   argEntry @ cell+ ! ;

\ Named arguments--actual compilation words                          vandys

: ({) ( -- )   bl parse dup 0= abort" no name" ( a-str u-len )
   s" --" 2over ($cstreq?) if   2drop proc"--"   exit then
   s" }" 2over ($cstreq?) if   2drop   exit then
   narg inc   recurse
   localName!   compile {!   curArg @ 1+ cells ,   curArg inc ;
: { ( -- )   (genhook) curDef @ last @ - if
      here argEntry !   ['] findLocal 'local? !
      compile init{   0 ,   last @ curDef !
      narg off   curArg off   then
   ({) ; immediate compile-only

: } ( -- )   1 abort" Mismatched braces" ; immediate

\ Fast reboot                                                        vandys

$1000 constant NBPG scrLocal

code movjmp ( 'info entry src dest bytes -- )
   ecx pop   edi pop   esi pop   edx pop   ebx pop   rep byte movs
   $2BADB002 # eax mov   edx jmp   c; scrLocal
here swap - aligned constant movjmpSize scrLocal

: fastboot { blk -- }   ttchan @ abort" Must run on root console"

   blk block { blk0 }
   blk0 $20 + @ $1BADB002 - abort" Bad magic"
   blk0 $20 +   4 cells + @+ { ldaddr }   @+ { ldend }   cell+ @ { entry }
   ldend ldaddr -   NBPG roundup   NBPG / { nblk }   here { img }
   nblk 0 do   blk i + block   here NBPG move
      NBPG allot   loop
   here   $1 ,   640 ,   (mem_upper) @ 1024 / , ( 'info )
   ['] movjmp   here   movjmpSize move
   entry   img   ldaddr   nblk NBPG *   here execute ;