\                                                                    vandys
Notes on use of debugger.

Debugging is implemented via a hook in the compiler which inserts a
debug hook after each virtual machine "instruction".  Thus, the code
generated with debug is roughly twice as large and certainly more than
twice as slow.

All debug words are under the "extensions" vocabulary.  To enable
debug code generation, use the [+debug] word.  To disable it,
[-debug] is available.

Code will run normally (though slower) until you set a breakpoint.
This is done with "debug <word>".  "Undebug" deletes all breakpoints.
"undebug <word>" deletes a particular breakpoint.

\                                                                    vandys
When a breakpoint is hit, you have several simple commands
 a - Abort debugged code out to command interpreter
 c - Continue execution
 d - Delete current breakpoint
 s - Step one VM instruction (into a called routine, if necessary)
   - (space) Step one VM instruction (over a called routine, if necesary)
 w - Show return stack backtrace
 . - Show operand stack
 / - Show memory
 : - Input a command line, which is executed after which you
   remain in the debugger.
 ? - Show a brief summary of available commands

When in "/", you can use space or "+" to advance one cell, "-" to
back up one cell, and return or "q" to end memory display.