Re: keyboard escape sequences; command history; etc.

From: Andy Valencia From: <>
Date: Fri Mar 12 2004 - 11:33:41 PST

"Paul Hepworth" <> writes:

>Anyway, result after restoring /vsta/etc/*:
>no apparent change (same "/vsta/etc/rc: cannot create /env/TERM: directory
>nonexistent" on startup)
>Are you running 1.6.8 distribution?

Ok, I'm just trying shots in the dark here, but can you load:

copy your old /vsta/lib/libc.shl to the side, and then put that one
in place as libc.shl? It retries init of connection to the /env server.
It's hard to imagine this is needed, but it's the least improbable thing
which comes to mind after looking through the code.

>I'd like to build from source, but I can't quite get started. I have the
>source ,v files; but I don't know the best way to check them out. (I know
>RCS well but have very little CVS experience. I'm thinking if I do cvs
>update from the right directory and with the right project name, I'm home
>free. But what are the right directory and project name?

Once you've exploded the CVS repository somewhere (I'll say /cvs for
purposes of what follows) you do:

    cd $HOME/... # Wherever you want your work tree
    cvs -d /cvs co vsta

>(I could just do co *,v in each source directory, but I'd rather do it the
>"right" way with CVS.)

You'd only make grief for yourself if you did that. Once you have a working
tree you can do things like "cvs update" and "cvs diff" from within it and

>> >And back to my original keyboard escape sequence question...
>> >I tried the stat -w -- <can't remember the field... xkeys?> with no luck.

I just tried it, and "stat -w - xkeys=0" turns off the arrow keys for me.

>How do I get the arrow keys to work?

I guess you'd have to teach getline() about them. I'm a touch typist
and the arrow keys make your fingers leave the home row--and they're in
a different place on laptops versus desktop keyboards. As you can tell,
I don't have much use for them myself. :->

Received on 12 Mar 2004 19:33:41 GMT

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