Re: keyboard escape sequences; command history; etc.

From: Andy Valencia From: <>
Date: Thu Mar 11 2004 - 12:41:06 PST

"Paul Hepworth" <> writes:

>> Ok, good, /env is mounted (login does this). "cd /env ; ls" shows what?
>just root (directory)

Ok, and if you cd into root, you see more nodes?

>> >/vsta/etc/rc: cannot create /env/TERM: directory nonexistent
>> Here's the heart of the matter. Why isn't /env available?
>Good question. I don't really have a clue at this point. Can you give me
>one? :)

I'd have to guess that you've touched something in some unexpected way.
Can you restore /vsta/etc from the distro and see what happens with the
virgin files?

>If I run /vsta/etc/rc myself (as root), there are no problems, but for some
>reason init can't run it.
>Could it be a permissions problem? Does init run as root? (or system?)

Yes, init is root. The problem is that /env isn't there when init runs.

>And back to my original keyboard escape sequence question...
>I tried the stat -w -- <can't remember the field... xkeys?> with no luck.

xkeys is there, unless you're running some (very) old server. I use this
all the time because I don't use arrow keys and I hate having their junk
spewed into my input buffer when I bump them by accident.

>(The posts on this news server sure age out of existence fast!)

You need to check on that; the server is configured to *never* age out
posts, and I just took a quick look in spool/news and it sure looks like
all the posts are there.

>How do I find out what field names are available? stat -- doesn't work. nor
>does stat //cons
>stat //CONS gives:
>//CONS: io err

stat -

Ought to do a stat on stdin. I'll boot my machine over to VSTa when I'm
done with this article. :-> Recall that the console server has multiple
virtual consoles, so if you mounted it you should see a directory with
numbered distinct TTY devices. You can see how the login's are run against
each of them in /vsta/etc/inittab

Received on 11 Mar 2004 20:41:06 GMT

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