> Actually, /env should be mounted, so you should be able to do "cd /env"
> and look around. You need a TERM file whose contents is the terminal
> type string. Watch out for one of your Windoze utilities putting ^Z's
> or ^M's into your string when you put the install files in place.
No windoze involved; I formatted with freeDOS then tar xfz'ed with debian
> >Does the init module run /vsta/etc/rc? (Or is it supposed to? :) Or what?
> Yes, /vsta/etc/rc is run by init.
Hmm. My grub startup definitely does module /vsta/boot/init
> >When I run /vsta/etc/rc myself, the problem with less goes away.
> There's a clue. I wonder if your changing mount positions around has
> anything to do with it....
I haven't changed any mount positions.
Here's my fstab:
$ cat /vsta/etc/fstab
fs/root /
NAMER /namer
fs/tmp /tmp
# fs/pipe /pipe
null /dev/null
# fs/vfs /v
fs/root:vsta/bin /bin
$ fstab
1025 on /
6 on /env
1 on /namer
1027 on /tmp
1029 on /dev/null
1025 on /bin
Note: when I first installed (from the 1.6.8 .tz's), NAMER /namer was
commented out. That's the only change I made. (And I made it after noticing
the TERM problem.)
Here's what's displayed on the console at boot, including a message about
syslog: wd (pid 5) info: unit 0: 249.5M - LBA
syslog: dos (pid 7) info: FAT16 filesystem established
Wed Mar 3 15:51:25 2004 GMT
syslog: pipe (pid 12) info: pipe filesystem started
syslog: tmpfs (pid 16) info: filesystem established
syslog: selfs (pid 22) info: filesystem established
mount: can't connect to: null
syslog: devnull (pid 18) info: null service started
syslog: env (pid 14) info: environment manager started
syslog: proc (pid 20) info: proc filesystem started
/vsta/etc/rc: cannot create /env/TERM: directory nonexistent
Two errors:
apparent attempt to mount null before it's started (harmless?)
and the TERM issue. What's wrong with my /env that it can't create TERM?
Any ideas?
Received on Wed, 3 Mar 2004 14:29:24 -0700
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