Ideas Summary Preface

From: David Jeske <>
Date: Wed Aug 09 1995 - 14:30:44 PDT

Dave Hudson and I have been involved in a fairly extensive discussion
regarding many different issues in VSTa (and similar OSs). Since we
think we've come up with several good ideas, I have summarized these
discussions and their major impact as it relates to VSTa.

The major Topics are as follows, I have split these up into three
separate posints to the mailing list to make it easier to discus and
digest them.

                                          Email #
1 - Server Startup Syncronization 1
2 - Multiple Data Stream 2
3 - TTY Handling 2
4 - Security IDs 3
5 - Misc Ideas 3
Received on Wed Aug 9 12:23:06 1995

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