Can someone explain please.

From: Vanier Kethireddy <>
Date: Mon Aug 07 1995 - 23:08:58 PDT


        What is the reason for defining system calls (other than message
passing primitives) at the kernel level, say for example fork or tfork.
Why can't a process manager handle this job.

        I would appriciate if some one can explain to me w.r.t boundry
line between microkernel and the process manager i.e what exactly they
are defined to do under vsta. At this point I do not see any difference
between micorkernel and the process manager.

        Am I thinking in the proper direction? If not can someone guide me
please, I might be overlooking other issues.


Vanier, Kethireddy email:

Received on Tue Aug 8 05:43:16 1995

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