"DOS" server question

From: D.Jeske <jeske_at_nospam.org>
Date: Sat Jul 01 1995 - 00:13:52 PDT

Thanks to Mike Larson I found the cam >512MB disk access problem.

Now I am getting back to the task at hand which is getting the "dos"
server to be a bit more stable and not die with win95 long filenames and
such. (and hopefully get win95 longfilename support into it, which looks
pretty doable after some sector dumping)

However, I have a question. Why are there ASSERT_DEBUG statements in the
dos server? I understand that they can be indespensable in debugging
situations, however, I would think that it would be unacceptable under
almost any circumstances to have a filesystem driver dump because of an
unexpected value unless it was impossible to continue without it (i.e. no
superblock or something). Especially on a filesystem such as MSDOS FAT
which can almost never be considered to be in a truly "clean" state.

I'm not trying to criticize at all, I just want to find out if there was a
reason it was written that way, something I'm missing, who knows. Or if it
was just habit/whatever and there really is no reason for it.
Received on Sat Jul 1 05:28:05 1995

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