VSTafs partitions

From: root <root_at_nospam.org>
Date: Tue Jun 13 1995 - 22:12:27 PDT

        Well I have VSTa running now (after a massive repartitioning effort).
Now I'd like to create a vstafs partition. Small question: without the /dev
entries used under UNIX, how do we refer to physical disk partitions? The dos
line in the boot.lst file refers to its partition as wd:wd0_dos1 (sorry, I'm
using Linux at the moment and I can't remember if that last digit is 1 or 0).
There doesn't seem to be an entry for this in the /namer/disk directory, so
when I try to create a vstafs partition by typing mkfs_vfs with either wd:wd0_p3
or wd:wd0_p2 or wd:wd0_dos2 (that could be a 1 :)) and of course the size of the
partition, it just bombs out on me with a variety of error messages.

        I also tried the series of commands suggested by Andy when he first released
vstafs, but I couldn't get them to work either with or without the dos, disk and
init lines in the boot.lst file (vsta wouldn't boot without them). I suspect
that things have progressed considerably beyond those days and this series of
commands is simply irrelevant now :).

        My second hard disk is devoted to linux and my 1st is set up as:

        partition size fs
        1 ~200Mb DOS
        2 ~100Mb ext2fs
        3 ~90Mb DOS
        4 ~16Mb linux swap

        I want to set up the 3rd partition as vstafs (it is currently empty)
and then use this as my root partition for vsta. I presume for the latter
operation I simply need to adjust the fstab appropriately, however for the
former I need a little assistance. Could someone please indicate the series
of commands required to set up the partition and the changes required for
the system initialisation files in order to boot from DOS and then use the
vstafs partition for the vsta root ?


F. Bogsanyi
Received on Thu Jun 15 06:55:50 1995

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