Re: Problem with v133

From: Dave Hudson <>
Date: Sun Apr 09 1995 - 01:57:00 PDT

Hi David,

David Jeske wrote:
[...problem with dos fs deleted...]

I seem to remember you've got Linux on your system - if you can dump some
sectors with dd and mail them to me I can probably make a pretty good guess
at the problem. This is how I fixed some OS/2 HPFS problems for Linux and
some problems with OS/2 swapfiles with mkdosfs.

If you can let me know how big your dos partition is and what your disk
parameter are I can make a guess at which sectors would be most useful to

I believe MS published a book with the spec for the new FAT fs used in
Windows 95 so maybe that would be a good place to look too.

Received on Sun Apr 9 01:14:04 1995

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