Re: Vsta on Linux

From: <>
Date: Wed Mar 08 1995 - 02:11:01 PST

>>>>> "Bob" == Bob Lund <> writes:

    Bob> I recall seeing a reference to building vsta on linux and
    Bob> running it (vsta) on the linux file system. I am interested
    Bob> in pursuing this but unfortunately, I cannot find that
    Bob> reference anywhere.

    Bob> I'd appreciate any information on this topic and pointers to
    Bob> ftp sites for the code (if it exists),

I'm the guy who did that, (with some help by others). But let me more
precise; i've never talk about linux (syscalls) emulation.

I just coded an ext2fs file server, compatible with Linux ext2fs
filesystems. Currently it is for read-only filesystems. I
cross-developped it (cross-compiling and cross-linking on Linux).
I didn't have any feedback about it, so I didn't touched it since.

If one person is interested by having ext2fs and test it I will
continue (if time and God permits) to code it. Probably, the next goal
is adding read-write access. But I want to have at least one person
interested in testing (and someday using) it.

The server was writter for vsta1.3.2; I didn't switch yet to 1.3.3!

I wrote

>> Date: Mon, 28 Nov 1994 10:36:35 --100
>> From: basile (Basile STARYNKEVITCH)
>> To: VSTa mailing list <>
>> Cc: Dave Hudson <>,
>> Markus Friedl <>
>> Subject: the first ALPHA release of ext2fs VSTa 0.1 -for testers only
>> Content-Type: text
>> Content-Length: 11360
>> Hello all,
>> I'm annoucing the first alpha release of an ext2fs file server for
>> VSTa. This is available by ftp to with
>> kind ftp hospitality from Markus Friedl (CIP 92)
>> <>.
>> I can also email gnu zipped uuencoded diff files to the
>> e2fsprogs-0.5b-WIP.tar.gz distribution.
>> *****************************************************************************
>> Announcing Extfs-VSTa 0.1 ALPHA (for testers only)
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> This is the first announce of my first alpha release of extfs-VSTa, a
>> port of Linux ext2fs file system to VSTa. This is *NOT* a public
>> release, but only a release for ALPHA testers only. It is based upon
>> (and contains) e2fsprogs-0.5b-WIP.tar.gz available on several Linux
>> ftp sites. This is a derivative work of, since it is based upon, e2fs
>> and libext2fs by Theodore Y. Ts'o and Remy Card (contained in this
>> e2fsprogs-0.5b-WIP.tar.gz gnu zipped tar file).
>> This is distributed
>> as e2fs_0_1.tgz, a 341327 GNU zipped tar file containing the full modified
>> e2fsprogs-0.5b-WIP.tar.gz file tree with my vsta extensions.
>> or
>> as e2fs.diff and e2fsvsta.diff as patches to be applied to the
>> original e2fsprogs-0.5b-WIP.tar.gz. e2fs.diff (40070 bytes) contains
>> the patches to e2fsprogs files (mostly adding #include
>> <vsta/ext2fs.h>). e2fsvsta.diff ( 76449 bytes) is a patch file for
>> creating the vsta specific source code files; it should be applied
>> after the e2fs.diff patch file.
>> I'm putting the files on with kind
>> permission of Markus Friedl (CIP 92)"
>> <>.

Actually it is on the same ftp site in /pub/VSTa/e2fs directory.

Basile STARYNKEVITCH ---- Commissariat a l Energie Atomique
DRN/DMT/SERMA * C.E. Saclay bat.470 * 91191 GIF/YVETTE CEDEX * France
fax: (33) 1-; phone: (33) 1-; homephone: (33) 1-
email: (redirected to;

N.B. Any opinions expressed here are solely mine, and not of my organization.
N.B. Les opinions exprimees ici me sont personnelles et n engagent pas le CEA.

Please cite a small part of my mail in all answers
Veuillez citer une petite partie de mon courrier dans vos reponses
Received on Tue Mar 7 23:30:48 1995

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