Time meansurement

From: Joerg Wittenberger <joerg.wittenberger_at_nospam.org>
Date: Wed Feb 15 1995 - 07:48:44 PST

Hi all,

from all the posters regarding time meansurement I think I 'announce'
this. I'm not quite sure whether it is really worth. At least it
concerns the other way around.

I didn't bother with exact time, but with comparable time at one
machine (to find bottlenecks in algorithms). In the Pentium 90 I'm
currently running VSTa at, I have a board on the ISA bus which
provides a 32 bit start/stop counter clocked by a 40 MHz crystal. (And
I know nothing about the accuracy of the crystal.) This gives the
chance to compare short time (with the overhead of one ISA-i/o to
start/stop the counter).

If someone is interested I could run some test.

I modifiied the perf1 to report the time take for each msg_send().
here the firt 10 lines of the output (it's a litle outdated, this test
has been run with V132):

Ticks (40 MHz): 12675 = 316875 ns
Ticks (40 MHz): 14840 = 371000 ns
Ticks (40 MHz): 11094 = 277350 ns
Ticks (40 MHz): 11094 = 277350 ns
Ticks (40 MHz): 11105 = 277625 ns
Ticks (40 MHz): 11207 = 280175 ns
Ticks (40 MHz): 11190 = 279750 ns
Ticks (40 MHz): 11110 = 277750 ns
Ticks (40 MHz): 11094 = 277350 ns

BTW: The board is not a 'standard' board (but commercial available).
It's quite less loaded with the task above and it would coust almost as much
as the PC.


Joerg Wittenberger | email: joerg.wittenberger@inf.tu-dresden.de
Rietzstr. 32b |
01139 Dresden | http://www.inf.tu-dresden.de/~jw6
Germany | PGP: D4 B2 DA AE C3 02 50 9C 45 3E AD 99 C1 1A 8E F8
Received on Wed Feb 15 07:12:24 1995

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