Problem with v133

From: Joerg Wittenberger <>
Date: Tue Feb 07 1995 - 10:53:50 PST


just downloaded version 1.3.3 but I can't boot it.

On first attempt init complained to be unable to open
/vsta/etc/inittab, boot process 8 died and I found myself droped into
the kernel debugger.

Thus I changed boot.lst to lauch the testsh.
Then I successfully mounted 1 on /namer found fs/root to be 1025 and
mounted it on /.
Now I did an ls, works. cd'd to vsta, ls, works. But whenever I cd
into a second subdir and do an ls there the dos server dies.

Any idea?


Joerg Wittenberger | email:
Rietzstr. 32b |
01139 Dresden |
Germany | PGP: D4 B2 DA AE C3 02 50 9C 45 3E AD 99 C1 1A 8E F8
Received on Tue Feb 7 10:14:31 1995

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