VSTa v1.3.3 now available

From: Andrew Valencia <vandys_at_nospam.org>
Date: Sat Feb 04 1995 - 11:36:54 PST

Hi, folks.

I found my filesystem bug (an optimization which broke if you truncated a
file and then grew it out to its exact same length, and your allocated block
chain was different than before). So v1.3.3 is now available on
ftp.cisco.com in vandys/vsta, and presumably on its mirrors soon. It has
fixes for some shared library bugs, a couple optimizations, command line
editing for canonical input mode, ~/~user path handling, and various and
sundry other goodies. See the doc/features.txt file for an attempt at a
list of these changes.

Most of Dave Hudson's performance enhancements will appear in 1.4, as will
the rest of his POSIX enhancements. Maybe I'll shoot to get more networking
running for 1.4. Mike Larson's tape driver is also targeted for 1.4.

                                                Andy Valencia
Received on Sat Feb 4 11:00:03 1995

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