Re: VSTa networking questions

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Sun Jan 22 1995 - 08:35:14 PST

[ writes:]

>Okay, I finally got my hands on an ne2000 clone card. It works fine
>with DOS packet drivers. The ne server recognizes it and it appears
>to be working. I can mount the server on /net and do:
> cat /net/0
> cat /net/800
>and it starts spitting things out, so I'm assuming that it's working
>at least somewhat.

Hi, sorry for the delay in answering. I'm just now catching up on my "todo"
list for VSTa. Anyway, yes, it looks like your card is healthy.

>My question is, what to do from here? I've tried running 'net', the
>ka9q stuff, but can't seem to figure out the magic set of commands to
>get it to do anything. Can someone tell me how to configure it to talk
>to the ne server?

Mount the card on /dev/eth. Now enter the commands:

attach eth eth0 1500
ip addr
route add default eth0
host baruk
domain suffix
domain addserver

(put in your own IP address, domain nameserver, hostname, and domain name)

You can also put this stuff in a file and then start "net" with the filename
as an argument.

>Second, what is the status of the TCP/IP server? Is it in a working
>state at all? I wouldn't mind doing some debugging if I can get some
>source to play with. I don't quite feel like reinventing the wheel

It works well enough to telnet and ftp around. It has a bug quitting from
ftp mode, so you can consider it "operational/buggy".

It also desperately needs to offer a /net/{tcp,icmp,udp} service so it can
be used as a general networking resource. I started coding this but it has
a ways to go.

>One final question, which doesn't really have to deal with networking
>in particular. How does the kernel decide who can access io ports?
>I was able to run the ne server while logged with with ids:
> 3.101(101), 1.1(101)
>I haven't quite got ids and capabilities totally figured out yet, though
>I've got the basics figured out okay. However, it would seem to me that
>only <root> should be able to access io ports.

Well, root *could* access the I/O ports, but only because "root" is somebody
with a zero-length ability, which dominates sys.sys (1.1) and he thus gets
anything which anybody else would get. See isroot() and issys() in
os/kern/misc.c (and that will lead you over to libc/permsup.c).

Received on Sun Jan 22 08:00:36 1995

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