Problem with libc rebuild

From: Joerg Wittenberger <>
Date: Thu Jan 12 1995 - 06:56:15 PST


I have some problems with the rebuild of the libc.

If I do it as the first step after a rebuild, it usually happen to
work. (Not sure wheter it happend to hang one or two times).

But if I do something and go later to rebuild the thing it will hang
in building libc.a. I get
Library ld.a at 0x6000000 (or something like that)
Library libc.a at 60001000 (or similar)

then it hangs. I know that this usually take a long time, but not 20

Maybe it is importend to say, all I did was to start a program which
happend to exit with 2.

Any idea?


Joerg Wittenberger | email:
Rietzstr. 32b |
01139 Dresden |
Germany | PGP: D4 B2 DA AE C3 02 50 9C 45 3E AD 99 C1 1A 8E F8
Received on Thu Jan 12 06:23:39 1995

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