Re: exec server idea

From: Erich Stefan Boleyn <>
Date: Mon Jan 09 1995 - 11:10:05 PST

Hi. I've only been a lurker up til this point, but
thought I should pipe up on this one.

> I'd like to start a discussion about a exec server again.
> I think a exec server would be reasonable.
> It could:

...[discussion of benefits deleted]...

I agree with the great potential of an exec server. Other
proposals for other systems have been bandied about, and a few
have been implemented. What is mostly needed is something that
is doable, but won't get in the way of further enhancements.

Have you looked at the OMOS project at the University of Utah?

I was interested in implementing a similar kind of system for
the GNU HURD (both the HURD and OMOS are on top of Mach), and
had come up with many of the notions independently. I'm
now discussiong pooling ideas, implementation details, and
perhaps code with them. It looks to have a lot of promise.

Take a look at the URL for OMOS,
"", and maybe
also the page on "Flexmach", which is

For the Mach4 project, the microkernel part, Bryan Ford was
interested in getting some interchange between the Mach and VSTa
development. Perhaps there is some good ground here to concentrate on.

I'll be putting a page together on what I'm implementing for
the HURD at some point, it if turns out to be significantly different
from their OMOS project, or just for good measure anyway.


Erich Stefan Boleyn               \__   E-mail (preferred):  <>
WWW site: ""     \__   home #:   +1 (503) 226-0741
Mad Genius wanna-be, CyberMuffin        \_ phys loc: 924 S.W. 16th Ave, #202
Motto: "I'll live forever or die trying"  \          Portland, OR, USA  97205
Received on Mon Jan 9 10:56:05 1995

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