Some bugs

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Sat Dec 31 1994 - 16:09:07 PST

I've stamped on a couple of kernel bugs today. First one:

adb <an a.out>

Will panic with a "still refs" complaint in deref_pset() or thereabouts.
Fix is in the treatment of copy-on-write pset's during a fork().

Second, if you adb a file, run it, debug it, and so forth, you will lose a
couple bits of memory after everything exit()'s. The proc p_prefs hash list
was not being cleaned up on server exit().

If either is giving some of you grief send me a note and I'll assemble a
patch. 1.3.3 is imminent, in any case.

Received on Sat Dec 31 15:38:08 1994

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