Re: support library for servers

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Tue Dec 27 1994 - 19:00:29 PST

[ (Joerg Wittenberger) writes:]

>(But I am behind the slowest line you may think of.)

Apparently so! If anybody else got through, can you mail it to me and I'll
put it up on FTP?

>* improve the service selection on a received message. (As long as
>VSTa needs about 10-20 the time of similar systems for a context
>switch it doesn't matter.)

I'm not sure what this means. If you're saying that VSTa context switches
are 10-20 times slower than other similar systems, what is it we're doing
that they don't? Or did you mean something else?

Received on Tue Dec 27 18:30:02 1994

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