lcc 3.1 ported to vsta

From: Jeremy Fitzhardinge <>
Date: Mon Dec 19 1994 - 22:43:45 PST

I've done rough port of lcc 3.1 to VSTa. What's lcc? lcc is a
compiler developed at Princeton and AT&T. It was designed from
the outset to be a small, quick, stable production C compiler.
The result is a compiler at least 3 times faster than gcc (under
linux, but I'd expect it to be about the same under VSTa) and less
than half the size. The code is free for non-commercial use, and
the commercial terms seem very reasonable (you can use lcc in a
product so long as you only charge for the non-lcc parts).

I've found lcc much easier to hack than gcc, and it's small size
and minimalism seem to fit well with VSTa's general feel and
philosophy. It also generates code for mips and sparc, and a 68k
backend wouldn't be hard to do (I think it has been done already,
but not distributed with lcc 3.1).

Is anyone interested in playing with it? I'll put it up in (or is there somewhere
more appropriate?).

I'll try compiling the kernel and some servers with lcc and see
how that goes.

Received on Mon Dec 19 22:15:49 1994

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