VSTa FTP site

From: David Jeske <jeske_at_nospam.org>
Date: Wed Dec 14 1994 - 01:02:26 PST

As I have talked to a few people and there seems to be a concensus that
VSTa needs a "public"ish ftp site. I'm making my machine available.
It is a fast machine with enough RAM and HD space for anything the VSTa
crowd is going to throw at it. It's over a 64kbps ISDN connection, but
that's not terrible. I don't anticipate it generating enough traffic for the
64k to really be a big pain for anyone.


put stuff in /pub/VSTa/incoming

I'll be orginizing it perodically, and I'll try and keep things current.
I'm in the middle of finals right now, so if anything looks a mess, just email
me and expect it to take a few days to fix.
Received on Wed Dec 14 00:35:27 1994

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