Re: Q: simple error (sure) but I can't ind it

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Tue Dec 13 1994 - 13:55:41 PST

[ (Joerg Wittenberger) writes:]

>Inside a server I tried to pass a message which I got from a server
>below up to a client without touching it.

Nope, a client provides a buffer into which he receives data (if his
m_op has the M_READ bit). There are no message segments provided from the
server to the client. I don't know how you set up "om" before using it for
the msg_send(), so it's hard to say what's happening here. At a guess, you
should be setting "om" up pretty much the same way before both the
msg_send() (so you describe the buffer into which you will receive data) and
also before the msg_reply() (and now you're describing your own buffer,
which happens to hold the previously received data).

Received on Tue Dec 13 13:30:21 1994

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