better ls

From: <>
Date: Tue Dec 13 1994 - 12:12:14 PST

A while back someone posted that they had created an ls command that
did most of the things that the standard UNIX ls did and was all
around much better than the ls command in the vsta distribution.
Would it be possible to post the code for that ls, or make it
available on an anonymous ftp site somewhere. It would really be
nice to have an ls that does what you expect it to do.

Also, while I'm here, the ls that comes with the distribution has a
few bugs. If you mount one directory over another, ls only shows the
files in the directory that was mounted last, even though you can
still access the files in the other directory.

Also, if I mount a vstafs filesystem on /v, then mount another vstafs
filesystem on /v/home and ls in / will show two v's.

I'll probably try to track these bugs down as a lesson learning about
vsta, but someone more knowlegable than I might know how to fix the
problems in a few minutes.

Brett McCoy, UNIX Systems Administrator
Computing and Network Services, Kansas State University, Manhattan KS 66506
vox: (913) 532-4908 / fax: (913) 532-5914 / e-mail:
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Received on Tue Dec 13 10:55:28 1994

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