Re: problems with gcc?

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Mon Dec 12 1994 - 09:11:17 PST

[ (Eddie McCreary) writes:]

>I've got an odd problem. While working on a program, every once in a while
>a small change and the program will no longer execute. What's odd is
>that the program doesn't execute any of the code before the change, it
>just won't load.

You might try rm'ing the file each time before recompiling. My guess is
that the old image is still cached and causing you grief. I think we agreed
that filesystems need to unhash files which are opened for writing, not just
files which are removed.

This is harder than it looks, because the kernel holds a connection open for
the hashed file, see how dos_remove() handles this.

Received on Mon Dec 12 08:46:04 1994

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