New Console Driver

From: David Jeske <>
Date: Sun Dec 11 1994 - 19:23:38 PST

I hope this didn't duplicate anyones work.

I had some vt100 engine source and I didn't like the lack of real vt100
on the console so changed/rewrote the cons2 driver.

For those interested: I arranged it so the new "vt100 engine" isn't coded
as global variables, so there is no need to "switch" the current "engine"
screen. Now the only switching involved is for the visual screen.
The main "VSTa file handling stuff" is the same as it was in cons2, also,
the keybaord stuff is the same. I basically removed most/all of cons.c
and wrote the necessary parts of main.c to support the new "vt100.c".

The new engine also is not so hard coded to have one screen size for the
entire engine (each screen could have a different size as far as the engine
is concerned).

I was asking myself while writing this, should I be abstracting this into
two layers? One for the "virtual" part of it, and one for the "text
console" part of it. This might make it more uniform to support things like
graphical consoles and such. However, I couldn't decide if the added
overhead would be worth it. Support to add non-text terminals could just
as easily be added to the "virtual" part of an integrated driver like the
one we have. I admit, the initial reason I thought of doing a 2 level driver
was to make it so I could develop the engine without rebooting. It didn't
take me long enough for it to be worth it though.

Any opinions?

Also, is there any place for "subprojects" to be released? As far as I can
tell it looks like people just either wait for Andy's release, or send
stuff to eachother. Would it be usefull to have a location for subprojects?
(or associated stuff)? I have been thinking of setting up anonymous ftp on
my machine. It's connected to the new via ISDN, so it wouldn't be stellar
speed, but it would be sufficient for the number of people using VSTa now
and the number of things I anticipate being on it. However, if there is
already a better solution, I won't bother.

--    + David Jeske(N9LCA)<A HREF="">
NeXTMail accepted + CompEng Student/NeXT Programmer/Call Gtalk at (708)998-0008
    User of Linux/NEXT/DOS/WIN/OS.2/VSTa (all coexisting on one system) </A>
Received on Sun Dec 11 18:58:32 1994

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