change subscribe address

From: Francois Rideau <>
Date: Tue Dec 06 1994 - 12:28:04 PST

Dear Andy and VSTa-ers,
  I'm currently subscribed using my father's address,
Could I be just subscribed as "" (that is myself) ?

  I'm not a very active member of VSTa; actually, I'm just looking at VSTa
progress. I like VSTa, but I think it's not far enough in the right direction:
toward a decentralized system. Currently, VSTa still uses centralized
message-passing with an arbitrary convention; actually, this can't be done
better using "C". What I'm looking for is a completely decentralized system,
where inter-object communication would be automatically inlined as much as
possible when possible (and wishable), at compile-time link-time, load-time
or run-time, that is, when wishable (sometime between the moment it is
made possible and the moment it is made necessary).
  I hope VSTa will succeed (I also hope I'll be able to vampirize its
device drivers/servers), and I'll still follow it's progress with interest,
but I've setup another mailing list ( for my own project.

-- , , _ v ~ ^ --
-- Fare -- -- Francois-Rene Rideau -- +)ang-Vu Ban --
-- ' / . --
MOOSE project member. OSL developper. | | /
Dreams about The Universal (Distributed) Database. --- --- //
Snail mail: 6, rue Augustin Thierry 75019 PARIS FRANCE /|\ /|\ //
Phone: 033 1 42026735 /|\ /|\ /
Received on Tue Dec 6 12:03:28 1994

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