R3000 paper

From: Christopher Fraser <chrisf_at_nospam.org>
Date: Mon Nov 21 1994 - 02:55:44 PST

Would anyone be interested in reading over a paper on the R3000
port of VSTa I've been working on? It's going to be submitted as
as undergrad project sometime soon ... so any comments or suggestions
would be greatly appreciated. Just send me a note if you're interested
(it's OK if you don't know anything about the R3000 -- it's supposed to
explain everything you need to know).

On the subject of the R3000 port -- well, it's getting there slowly.
I've basicly (hopefully!) finished all of the memory management
and exception code. Some of the thread manipulation code still
needs doing, and I/O hasn't been touched at all. If anyone is really
keen to play around with the code as well, if I get a week or so
of solid debugging in I could probably make a pre-pre-Alpha release.

PS: If anyone happens to have an R3000 ICE they could lend me,
just let me know :-)


Received on Mon Nov 21 02:31:03 1994

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