Bug in messaging engine

From: Andrew Valencia <vandys_at_nospam.org>
Date: Sun Nov 13 1994 - 12:37:43 PST

Hi, folks.

I've hunted down the bug which ends up with the "DISC pr mismatch". It
appears that the p_iowait semaphore gets v'ed an extra time. This is
usually harmless, since the semaphore value is zeroed each time a new
msg_send() is initiated. However, msg_disconnect() does not zero it, and
thus walks straight through his p_sema_v_lock and frees the message while
it's still on the server's message queue.

All the extra zeroing is a waste of code space and CPU cycles. I'm going to
dig up the bogus v'ing and get rid of all excess resets of the semaphore

Received on Sun Nov 13 12:16:19 1994

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