Re: IRQ's in Amiga VSTa

From: Tim Newsham <>
Date: Thu Nov 10 1994 - 19:40:03 PST

> This is exactly the problem the HP 300 port was faced with. I was planning
> on dumping P-code as a part of the interrupt registry. The P-code would be
> just sufficient to query hardware, check/clear bits, and report a boolean
> value back. The kernel interrupt handling would recognize a level which had
> various P-code registries, and would call each registry. When one returned
> "true", you'd queue up the ISR message for his associated server.

I'm not sure I know exactly what you mean. What is P-code? How would
a device driver put it in the kernel (or does this reside in the processes
address space?). I'd like to get this implemented so I can finish
debugging the scsi driver. Thanks.

> Regards,
> Andy
Received on Thu Nov 10 19:19:55 1994

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