Re: newbie question

From: Wittenberger <>
Date: Tue Nov 08 1994 - 03:52:20 PST

> [Antony Halim <> writes:]
> >I am new to vsta, and wonder if there's some documentations that explains
> >the structure of the OS.
> There's a the (very aged) paper on the FTP site. The mail archives hold
> discussions on many parts of the system. The "man" command documents the
> messaging primitives (which probably are too low level to help somebody
> get started).
> My guess is the mail archives are the closest to what you want. I should
> write "The Design and Implementation of the VSTa Operating System" and cut a
> cool deal with a publisher. In my spare time. :-)

I gave a intro talk about vsta at the university here. The manuscript
(including the slides) is avialable:

Unfortunatly it is still in german except for some parts.

Please be carefull: it is partially compiled from the mail archives
and nobody checked it for errors yet.

Received on Tue Nov 8 03:37:34 1994

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