
From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Mon Oct 10 1994 - 07:56:54 PDT

Well, at least *some* folks are running v1.3.2 out there. We've found one
serious problem which bites executables which have a size N such that
((n % PAGESIZE) < 32). If you rebuild the RS232 server you'll see
it--that's where I found it.

The fix is in ld; looks like a v1.3.3 will be out soon.

As a part of chasing that I discovered that each executable has an extra
four bytes tacked on the end. These turn out to be the (empty) string
table; the effect is that all stripped executables burn an extra disk block
for no reason! ld, strip, and nm will be fixed to avoid this.

I've added a sample to /vsta/etc; the KA9Q networking needs
such a file to set up IP address, default routes, and so forth. If I hae a
spare minute I'll tweak the source to use /vsta/etc/ by default.

Received on Mon Oct 10 06:43:33 1994

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