Re: Internet Mail VIA RagBBS

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Tue Oct 04 1994 - 12:43:17 PDT

[ (David Eagle) writes:]

>I hope this gets to you. I used to subscribe to the VSTa mailing list
>while I was on contract at DEC. I am in between contracts right now and
>don't really have a permanent email address but for the next few weeks
>I can be reached at While at DEC
>I ftp'd VSTa, and now have just gotten settled in after a little vacation
>and tried to decompress it and try it out. Unfortunately, the boot program
>tells me I should be in V86 mode or something. I assume this has something
>to do with real vs. virtual 8086 mode for the CPU, but I don't see how
>anything I can do would affect this. Can someone tell me how to boot VSTa?

Most often, it's an EMS emulator which causes this problem. It runs the x86
in V86 mode, which prevents the loader from going to 32-bit protected mode.
If you're running DOS 6, you can hold the shift key down during DOS boot,
and it'll inhibit loading of the config.sys. Otherwise you have to fiddle
your config.sys/autoexec.bat files.

>Also, is VSTa ready to distribute as share/freeware yet? If so, I would be
>willing to spend a few bucks to get floppies from you containing the most
>recent stuff (and hopefully some recent excerpts from the mailing list).

Well, it's copyleft'ed. If you send me floppies with room for ~8 meg, I
can dump the whole distribution. This includes source to all commands
ported, networking, core distribution, and mailing list archives. Please
include a SASE mailer for me to send back the floppies in. I can do 5.25"
and 3.5", the latter preferred because of their greater durability.

If you just want the core distribution+mail list archives, that comes to ~3
megs instead.

In either case, please be aware that if you don't provide me with everything
I need to do the job (i.e., send $$$'s instead of floppies, or send $$$'s
which you figure can cover me going out and buying a return mailer) then
I'll put it on my queue, but it will take a LONG time. I wrote an RS-232
driver for Minix 1.1, and the floppies are *still* waiting to be sent back,
if you get my drift....

We're on the brink of 1.3.2, with 1.4 following (best guess) in a couple
months. Be sure to specify what you'd prefer.

Received on Tue Oct 4 11:31:03 1994

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