Re: fdisk utility and others

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Wed Sep 28 1994 - 17:56:48 PDT

[ (Jacob Yu) writes:]

>Currently I have VSTA 1.3.1 installed (from vandys/vsta at and
>I couldn't find the "mount" command from the "/vsta/bin" or any of the *.tz
>files. Is there newer release of VSTA?

Since mount tables are per-process and inherited, it has to be a shell
built-in. I could've *sworn* we had added it to all shells by 1.3.1....

>Maybe I see the "banner" file a little different here. I though the "banner"
>file was like the "motd" file and will be printed out to the screen when
>the machine first came up. Is there other way to customize the login prompt?

Nope, we have motd too. Banner is emitted before the login prompt.

>Will 1.3.2 be available any time soon? Also, is there anything I can help
>with? I am currently running two 486 PC's connected by a Lantastic network.

1.3.2 is on the home stretch. I have shared libraries working (plus or
minus a bug) and am rebuilding all the binaries, things like that. Out in a
week, I'd guess.

>Sorry, this is my mistake and yes, I have read the copyright statement. Also,
>is there a porting going on for 68K? What is the possiblity of using VSTA in
>a commerical word? For instance, use it in a demo package for MPEG-2
>decoder development kit?

There is a 68030 port coming alive. I understand it boots and even runs
processes. I think a disk driver is in the works next.

Commercial products based on VSTa... the copyleft license answers this.
Rather than hash this over again, I'd recommend reading the gnu newsgroups.
I believe they have a FAQ which covers this in depth. The short answer is
that there are restrictions, but many companies have lived within them and
offered commercial products.

Received on Wed Sep 28 16:44:37 1994

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