Re: sites, newsgroup, etc.

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Sun Sep 25 1994 - 14:30:04 PDT

["Michael M. Chapman" <> writes:]

>To encourage large scale porting of software and development,
>perhaps we should have a standard site with an incoming dir
>for people to put stuff they've already ported in.

Sounds good!

>Also, a newsgroup would be *great* - I've been telling everyone
>I can to try out VSTa, but that would help spread the word
>even better.

Well, I asked around a bit. The "rule of thumb" is that a mailing list is
ripe for conversion to a newsgroup when it reaches 500 people. We're at
150, which is why I haven't really been pushing this idea.

>Some coordination and easier access to ported software and
>different distributions would be GREAT. What does everyone

We have an offer of some space on a Linux machine which will soon be
installed. I also am pursuing the possibility of placing a VSTa server on
the Internet via a site in Palo Alto, California. The former would clearly
have fewer initial glitches; the latter shakes out the software for us.

I'm well into coding of the equivalent of "" right now; the utility to
create the mappable libraries is done and working. When it works I'm going
to recompile everything (except boot servers), package it up, and call it

Received on Sun Sep 25 13:18:09 1994

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