Re: small problem in boot loader

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Wed Sep 14 1994 - 18:17:56 PDT

[Tim Newsham <newsham@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu> writes:]

>There's a small problem in the boot loader that only shows up
>if the last booted server is smaller than a single page (probably
>never happens in normal circumstances). The boot program doesnt
>round up the page after loading the last boot program. This means
>the free_pfn will be the same as the starting page of the last
>boot server and the OS will not load that server. Adding
>a round_pbase() after the loop in which all the servers are loaded
>fixes this.

This will always be a no-op with an i386 a.out; sizes are rounded up to page
values, I believe. However, it's worth doing; I'll add your patch to the
base system.

In case you all are wondering, Tim is making great progress on a port to the
68030 Amiga!

                                        "Live from Interop in Atlanta"
Received on Wed Sep 14 17:07:33 1994

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