file attributes

From: Robert Mayer - Student <>
Date: Tue Sep 06 1994 - 02:59:46 PDT

Hi all,
yesterday I thought of something:
OS/2 has these nice "Extended Attributes", where one can attach a
string=value pair to a file. Wouldn't it be nice to have such a thing
under VSTa too?
The first thing that came to my mind was to extend VSTa's rstat/wstat
mechanism so that the valid stat-fields are not limited to these
defined at server-compile-time, and one could add new ones by simply
wstat()ing them.
On the other hand, one could also extend the message protocol by e.g.
FS_GETATTR/FS_SETATTR, and handle attributes and stat-fields
Thoughts anyone?

Received on Tue Sep 6 01:51:44 1994

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