IDL (was Re: Object interfaces to Vsta)

From: MS Research Fellow <>
Date: Thu Aug 18 1994 - 00:10:10 PDT

> From: Gavin Nicol <>
> Subject: Re: Object interfaces to Vsta

[ ... ]

> While I am very hesitant to recommend it, there is an IDL to C++
> complier in X11R6 (in Fresco). I prefer the IDL CFE from the OMG, but
> getting a C compiler from that might be more work. Just in case
> someone wants to *try* IDL :-)

An alternative may be Xerox's ILU ( Inter language unification).

The reference manual for version 1.6.4 includes pieces on use with:
    Common Lisp, C++, ANSI-C, Modula-3 and OMG-IDL

- JonT
Received on Thu Aug 18 00:10:10 1994

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