SCSI server alpha test

From: Mike A Larson <>
Date: Fri Aug 05 1994 - 10:19:01 PDT


I'd like to find one or two alpha test sites for the VSTa 1.4 SCSI/CAM
driver, which includes CDROM support. If you're interested, please
send me an email message. I should have a package ready by the middle
of next week.

Here's the README file that describes what's included in the alpha

Welcome to the alpha test version of the VSTa 1.4 SCSI/CAM driver and
CDROM filesystem server. This package includes binary versions and
README files for the following:

        cam - the VSTa SCSI driver

        cameo - a command utility that communicates
                                  directly w/ cam

        cdfs - a ISO 9660 compatible CDROM filesystem

Note that sources for the above will of course be available in the
next normal distribution of VSTa.

What to Test

I. cam -

  A. there's been some reorganization of the CAM code, so basic
     regression testing would be nice.

  B. CDROM support - hook up a SCSI CDROM drive to your SCSI bus,
     boot VSTa, and look for a boot message about the CDROM drive.
     If you get the boot message, proceed to II.

II. cameo -

  A. look at the cameo README file for instructions on how to
     set devices and do various commands.

  B. try playing an audio CD

III. cdfs -

  A. put an ISO 9660 formatted CDROM into the CDROM drive.

  B. look at the cdfs README file for instructions on how to
     mount a CDROM filesystem.

  C. try some ls's, cp's, etc.

What Not to Test

I. >16MB support isn't quite hooked up yet.

Problem Reports, Comments, etc.

Send them to


                                        Mike Larson
Received on Fri Aug 5 09:18:24 1994

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